Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watching the Day Go By...

When I was a kid, I spent hours watching - most often perched on the roof of our sandbox (not what my father intended when he built it, I'm sure). I watched whatever was present (birds, leaves, seeds), taking in the sounds and movements around me. I remember summer being a time to not keep time - a time for watching, playing, and soaking the sun in through closed eyelids.

Today, we had one wee hour to spend between the day's events. I set up the hammock and we headed out to the backyard to rest, to watch, to listen. The hammock rocked and we took in one peaceful hour, before story time, dinner, and the storm clouds rolled in.

We hope you get a little time to rest today, catch a glimpse of a good view, and just watch the day go by, if only for a little while.

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