Friday, March 6, 2009

For Posterity's Sake: Week in Review 9

These are the unexpected surprises you get when you ask your two-year-old to set the table: the napkin and silverware artfully placed and a side of stuffed animal.
I was also surprised later that day when Audrey informed me that she wanted to "watch Tiger Woods, TV." I think she's been conspiring with her Dad.
Singing has become Audrey's most common form of artistic expression. On Tuesday, she began singing at the table. When Jason tried to join her she looked at him and said, "Stop singing." When he continued, she said, "Stop singing now." When he still hadn't stopped, she said, "No singing!" I guess she prefers her act solo.
But last night, when we came down from bath time to find Jason practicing his Guitar Hero skills, she jumped behind the drum set and began beating on the drums. When the song was finished she threw her arms up in the air and yelled, "Yea! Like it!" Apparently, Jason doesn't get his own solo act, either.
After reflecting on this week and how much singing and music have played a role in our days, this last story (my favorite of the week) really should not have been that surprising:
Monday, Audrey and I had just returned from the library. While there, we checked out two DVDs. Audrey is allowed to watch DVDs or shows that I've prerecorded for her. I try to keep her TV watching to a minimum, during the time I'm trying to get dinner made before Jason gets home. On this Monday, I was trying to get dinner started and talking on the phone. Audrey was asking for one of the new DVDs, so I obliged. Now, I have to admit, our trips to the library are pretty chaotic. Audrey sees the library as one large labyrinth of sorts, purely for her running pleasure. Our trips go something like this: I dash around as fast as I can (usually with a prepared list of things I've looked up on the online catalogue) trying to grab what books I can while keeping her in the stroller or my arms while she tries to wiggle free and run screaming down the aisles, occasionally ripping books off the shelves. This was the scenario on Monday as I was attempting to find a suitable DVD for Audrey. As she took off running, I grabbed a DVD that had a picture of a cat on the front. I flipped it over to skim the back as I took off after her. I stopped reading when I saw that it was a cartoon from the 1920's, thinking "I'm sure they had tighter censorship then. This should be fine." What, in my frenzied state, I forgot to think was, 1920's, height of the silent movie. I soon remembered, however, after popping "Felix" in for Audrey to watch. I was about to get off the phone to get dinner on the stove when Audrey started screaming from the couch, "Fix it, Mama, fix it!" I guess silent cats with thought bubbles just aren't her thing.
I can't wait to see what surprises she has in store for us next week. We hope your weekend is filled with a few sweet surprises, too.

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