What is it about an extra 24 hours that breeds adventure? Perhaps, it is the cushion of an extra day to recover from any adventuring mishaps that leads one (and by one, I mean Jason) to say, Audrey and I should go camping in the backyard. (Nathan and I were not invited due to our end-of-May penchant for sneezing).
So, on Saturday, a tent was pitched and filled with stuffed animals and cushions from couches (I hadn't realized before this that we have no sleeping bags). Pillows and blankets were selected with care (or for size, but we'll call it care). The waffle and his pancake went out into the wilderness for a night of backyard adventure.

A book was read, a puzzle solved, and stories spoken. Dogs barked, crickets chirped, and race cars rumbled in the distance. "What's that?" became the most repeated phrase of the evening.
A book was read, a puzzle solved, and stories spoken. Dogs barked, crickets chirped, and race cars rumbled in the distance. "What's that?" became the most repeated phrase of the evening.
Around ten-thirty they snuck into the kitchen for a hot chocolate break (and the noise-reducing headphones Jason uses when he travels by plane). I am told that those headphones found their way around a little girl's ears at eleven o' clock, after which, she promptly fell asleep. It's not quite your grandmother's camp out. But now Audrey knows the sounds of crickets after sunset. She has felt the dew of first light against her feet and discovered the sense of camaraderie created by flashlights cast on tent walls. On Sunday morning, she had nothing but smiles for that Daddy of hers. I'm calling this adventure a success.
That is a night she will remember for the rest of her life.