I find the week between Christmas and New Years to be one focused on moving forward: Christmas decorations are collected and put away (not that that's happened here yet); resolutions are schemed; plans, big and small, are made for ringing in the year to be. In the past week, shelves have materialized in the basement closet (thank you, Jason and Brandon), two boxes and three bags of much-loved items have been dropped off to Goodwill to find new homes (again, thank you, Jason), and a second large cardboard box is beginning to fill with dated documents to shred. While it's been a week with few plans on the calendar, the days have felt full with these little tasks of moving forward and creating a space of less clutter and more simplicity for the coming year. But, no matter how important the task, one must abandon it every once in a while, go outside, and take a break to visit the now.

Today, we took a trip to the Indianapolis Art Museum so we could all get a little up-close-and-personal with this year of one we're embarking on with Nate. Jason is blessed with an employer who gives their workers this week off every year, so he was able to tag along on our art museum gardens trip for the first time. (His hand was in the first photo keeping Nate steady for those of you worrying about that balancing act). Ironically, even as we took some time to just be in the presence of one another and the art and environment around us, I looked at the pictures to find that we had documented ourselves moving on. Luckily, I turned around to find some things never change.
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