As long as my newly regained strength held up, today was going to be a catch-up day: groceries and a trip to the bank after Audrey's last winter library class. Nathan had other plans. Exhausted after the library class, he suggested (not so subtly) that we just head home. So we did, and did a different kind of catching up. As Nate napped, Audrey and I got caught up on our reading, reading our new library finds and new (to us) textbooks that I found for a couple dollars a piece on the Friends of the Library Sale shelves. Audrey was ecstatic at the thought of being allowed to keep some library books as her own (and tried to barter to keep some of the others we had checked out). She quickly rifled through the textbooks and chose Mercer Mayer's There's An Alligator Under My Bed as our first read. We followed it up with a little coloring session, a handmade sign, which she hung from the garage door to warn her father that there just might be an alligator out there waiting for him when he arrived home. The pictures shows her alligator before she added a tail (during a peanut butter break).
The library book pile successfully replenished and examined, we got to work on the next phase of our valentines. Audrey had already traced some large hearts out of old shopping bags (in convenient colors of the season) that I cut out. She drew a face on each heart and I punched small holes through which she laced small pieces of ribbon (knotted on one end to hold them in place). Today, we glued on red card stock hearts in the place of hands and feet and stamped some Valentine's Day messages on white card stock. I'll cut those out and we'll glue them on later. We found our idea for the valentines here (based on the "eye love you" valentine. I love that they've come together using scraps of things we had around the house, and that each one has a unique look due to the hand drawn face.
Sometimes, catching up is so good.
My guess is those are Victoria's Secret hearts :)